Replacement Degree CertificatesPost-Award Name CorrectionDescriptionIn order for your order to be processed, a post-award name correction must have first been approved by Student Records. You are also required to return your original certificate to us before processing any changes.Please refer to, and scroll down to the Additional Information section > Name and name changes, before making payment for this item. You must send supporting evidence to as part of your application within 5 working days of your order. This would need to be a form of official ID that was valid at the time of your award, for example a passport, driving licence or national identity card. Please be aware that this order covers the name change and one copy of the original certificate only. If you require other documents, for example transcripts, you need to purchase those separately via the online shop. You can only ever make one request for a name change after you have graduated. On receipt of your payment we aim to produce your documents within 10 working days plus delivery times. For enquiries please contact Student Records on 0044 (0) 161 295 0023 (selecting Option 5, then Option 2), or email Website: Delivery OptionsSome delivery options carry an addtional cost that is added to your basket before you checkout. The table below breaks down the options, including the additional costs.
You can view more detailed information on the delivery options, including approximate delivery time, on the following page: Replacement Degree Certificate: 2006 or earlierDescriptionYour degree certificate is an important legal document and should be treated as such. We will not issue additional copies of certificates to any graduate holding an undamaged original certificate as only one original certificate can be in circulation at any time. You can only purchase one replacement degree certificate. If you have not yet had your original certificate, please contact us before placing an order. The charge for graduates from 2006 and earlier includes an administrative charge to search for your record. We cannot guarantee the completeness of records for students who studied at the University in 2006 and earlier due to system changes and institution mergers. Please be aware that your records may not contain complete information relating to your studies. If this is the case, we will provide as much information as possible following the completion of our search on letterheaded paper. If your record cannot be found within a reasonable search time, we may not be able to provide a certificate and the £30 charge cannot be refunded. On receipt of your payment, we aim to produce your documents within 20 working days plus delivery times. Please be aware that the University does not provide electronic copies of original certificates or transcripts. IMPORTANT: If you require a pre-1998 HND/HNC/ONC certificate, you will need to request this directly from Pearson (formerly known as Edexcel), as the University of Salford is not able to produce these documents. For enquiries relating to studies prior to 2006, please contact Student Records on 0044 (0) 161 295 0023 (selecting Option 5, then Option 2), or email Website: Delivery OptionsSome delivery options carry an addtional cost that is added to your basket before you checkout. The table below breaks down the options, including the additional costs.
You can view more detailed information on the delivery options, including approximate delivery time, on the following page: Replacement Degree Certificate: 2007 and laterDescriptionYour degree certificate is an important legal document and should be treated as such. We will not issue additional copies of certificates to any graduate holding an undamaged original certificate as only one original certificate can be in circulation at any time. You can only purchase one replacement degree certificate. If you have not yet had your original certificate, please contact us before placing an order. On receipt of your payment, we aim to produce your documents within 10 working days plus delivery times. Please be aware that the University does not provide electronic copies of original certificates or transcripts. For enquiries relating to studies from 2007 onwards, please contact askUS on 0044 (0) 161 295 0023 (selecting Option 4, then Option 1) or email Website: Delivery OptionsSome delivery options carry an addtional cost that is added to your basket before you checkout. The table below breaks down the options, including the additional costs.
You can view more detailed information on the delivery options, including approximate delivery time, on the following page: |