School of Science, Engineering & EnvironmentConstruct IT For Business: MembershipDescriptionPay for your new/renewal Construct IT membership fee.
To make a payment, select Add to Basket next to the appropriate option below. On the following page enter the required details. Once the membership is added, you can go to your basket and select Proceed to Checkout in order to make payment via credit/debit card. For enquiries please contact Hanneke van Dijk, Administrator for Construct IT, on +44 (0)161 295 5164 or email SEE: Digital Modelling/Printing FacilitiesDescriptionThe School of Science, Engineering & Environment’s Digital Modelling Workshop is a facility which supports the production of highly accurate model parts, architectural model pieces and finished 2.5D models. The workshop comprises of two Laser engraver/cutters and a 3-axis milling machine. Separate to the workshop is our Large-Format printing facilities which facilitates printing of A2, A1 A0 and Banner size prints. Payments made here go towards the costs for replacing any materials used and towards the upkeep of the equipment. Before making any payments, and at least 2 weeks in advance of intended use of any equipment, please first contact the Technical Demonstrators (details below) to:
The payment amount will vary depending on type of work required and this can be identified following discussion with the Technical Demonstrator. Once you have discussed and agreed material type, quantities, and cost, please enter the cost in the 'Amount' field for the relevant option below and click 'Add to Basket'. The following table shows which option you should use:
For all workshop enquiries, including bookings, material/stock enquiries and costs, please contact any of the following SEE Technical Demonstrators: Chet Narsih Mahsa Seifhashemi |