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Careers & Enterprise - Employability Guide Advert

Careers & Enterprise - Employability Guide Advert


Payment for A5 advert in Careers & Enterprise Employability Guide 2025/2026

Overview: The Careers & Enterprise Team produce a printed (5000 copies) and online version Employability Guide, distributed to students throughout the academic year at events and employability initiatives. For academic year 2025/2026 we are offering one page A5 adverts to organisations/employers who would like to promote career opportunities to University of Salford students.  

The following link takes you to our latest Impact Report, with page 12 highlighting the current profile of our students: https://www.salford.ac.uk/sites/default/files/2024-09/uos-report-socialandeconomicimpact-2024.pdf 

Costs: The costs to secure a one page, A5, advert are as follows. 

Organistion Type Description Fee
Large A commercial business that employs more than 250 people or has annual turnover of £35.5m or more (If part of a group of companies then it is the value of the group). £600 (£500 + VAT)
SME A business that employs less than 250 people and has annual turnover less than £35.5m. £300 (£250 + VAT)
Charity Public sector, not-for-profit organisations and charities. Includes schools, universities, NHS and not for profit groups such as housing groups or local charitable organisations. £300 (£250 + VAT)

There are limited spaces in the guide and we are looking for a spread of organisations offering opportunities across a wide spectrum of skills requirements, to reflect the diverse range of students at the University and the potential career options open to them. 

Careers & Enterprise Information & Enquiries Team
T: 0161 295 0023
E: [email protected] 

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