The practice and impact of community archaeology has developed rapidly in the early 21st century. There are now many different ways of doing, and bodies involved in, this activity, which encompasses archaeological work done by voluntary groups with the assistance of universities, museums, and archaeological trusts and companies. A range of vigorous debates have emerged, from the division between public and community archaeologists, to the role of HLF funding, and the nuts and bolts of project delivery by groups.This volume captures this rapidly changing period for community archaeology with papers by some of the leading voluntary, museum, university and commercial-based archaeologists undertaking community archaeology in the UK today. Its inspiration was the landmark Archaeology for All conference in Manchester in 2006, an international, inclusive and multi-disciplinary event undertaken as part of the Dig Manchester community project. The resultant volume is more than just a collection of conference papers. It is a critical review of the methodological, theoretical and inclusive state of the community archaeology in the second decade of the 21st century.
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