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Book Arts Workshop

Book Arts Workshop


Student area for payment of materials relating to book arts and publication.

IMPORTANT: Before purchasing any materials please see Erin Blamire (e.g.blamire@salford.ac.uk) or John Newton (j.newton9@salford.ac.uk) to discuss your project.

Select the item you wish to purchase below to display the price, update the quantity if necessary and then click Add to Basket. Repeat for any other items you require.

When you are ready, go to your Shopping Basket and click Proceed to Checkout to make your payment.

Email: ArtDes-BookArts@salford.ac.uk 
Room: New Adelphi 5.17B

Standard Riso Master
Metallic Riso Master
Metal Fasteners
Book Cloth
Laser Print
100gsm Paper x 10sh
130/155gsm x 10sh
25mm Badges x 3
59mm Badges x 2
Coloured Paper A1
Coloured Paper A2