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NCTJ Exam: Essential Media Law - BA




Exam Date: Wednesday 21st May 2025

Exam Time: 9.30am - 12.00pm

Level: BA (Non-Accredited)

Payment Deadline: Friday 18th April 2025, 12.00pm

Please click Read More (below) to view the Terms and Conditions, and read them carefully.


Detailed Description

Enquiries: NCTJ Programme Administrator

Terms and Conditions - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY:

Only students who have paid for the above exam via the University of Salford eShop, by the payment deadline (above), will be entered for the exam. The University will not accept any exam payments after this deadline.

You DO NOT need to notify the journalism team of your wish to sit the exam before or after payment. You simply need to pay for the exam via the University of Salford eShop. 

This payment is effectively your confirmation that you wish to sit the exam, and will generate an exam entry specific to you as a candidate. Therefore do not pay if you think that there is any possibility that you may not wish to sit the exam when the date arrives, as you will not be refunded if you change your mind. 

You will receive a separate email three days before the exam which will confirm your final exam arrangements. If you do not receive this email please contact journalism@salford.ac.uk immediately.

Please note that no refunds are available for an exam not attempted. If there are serious mitigating circumstances that prevent a candidate attempting an exam, these would have to be supported by medical evidence in order for a fee deferral to be authorised by NCTJ, which could be used for a subsequent attempt at the missed exam.

There is a minimum number of candidates required for each exam sitting to ensure exams are viable. Your payment receipt is not a guarantee that the exam will run.  You will be issued a full refund if the university has to cancel the NCTJ exam due to low candidate take-up.