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Get Up & Grow

Green Social Prescribing: Social and Therapeutic Horticulture Workshop

Green Social Prescribing: Social and Therapeutic Horticulture Workshop


Green Social Prescribing: How to use Social and Therapeutic Horticulture to improve physical and mental health outcomes

Interest in Green Social Prescribing and Social & Therapeutic Horticulture is at an all-time high. This 1-day course focuses on an introduction to the field, with experts showcasing the latest techniques in practice and evidence on the impact of activities. The course will give learners an overview of the current theoretical framework for therapeutic horticulture and a wealth of examples of how it can be used to improve health outcomes for a range of groups (those with mental health challenges, in recovery, living with dementia etc.). Hands on practical sessions and activity packs will be provided to develop learners’ skills in using horticulture therapeutical in their own practice/projects.

StartEndCourse Fee 
October 2024
25/10/202425/10/2024£180.00[Read More]